Vision, Mission, & Values
Vision, Mission, & Values
Do your employees know and understand your vision, mission, and values? Is it part of who they are? Can they communicate it to the customers and each other clearly?
If you answered no or I don’t know to any of the questions above it’s time to stop, pause, and get serious about your people and culture. It does not matter how large or small your business is, culture matters.
Why is culture so important?
According to Gallup’s 2022 State of the Global Workplace survey, 51% of employees around the world are looking to leave their job.

85% of these employees are considered to be quiet quitters. 41% of these individuals indicated that an improvement of culture would make the workplace better.
Re-engage your employees
Increase productivity
Reduce confusion
Provides a sense of belonging, connects us to values and beliefs
Builds community
By (re)defining your vision you establish long-term direction. It acts as the north star and guidepost for your team. While it’s aspirational and lofty, it’s mean to be almost unattainable so you feel as if you are reaching for the stars. Partnered with a meaningful and direct mission. Your team will leverage your mission to get the work done. It changes over time with the growth of your business and acts as the directory to all of your employees and customers about what you do, how you do it and who you do it for. It provides clarity.
Learn more about values by clicking here
Jen made me dig deep, and I found my core values. She made me realize I had a Mission and a Vision. Before long I have a Vision Statement and a Mission statement. Jen explained how important it is to have a strategy, and actually helped me create a new business for me called E3. This is a new way to connect with customers. They helped me see that a new brand would be beneficial and a fresher look to the overall business. Jen and Courtney worked with me to produce an amazing branding video.
Amy Dillabough
Dog Breeder and Puppy Transition Coach
“I feel empowered and connected to my core values. I feel stronger and more purposeful. The shift has brought me 3 new students, a leveled up version of my program, more sales and a new business partner.”
Charlotte Petit Noble
Founder – Peppy Profit Place
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